Terms and Conditions in Brief

Little Haven Nursery Full Day Care Fees: 
How we calculate our fees: Our fees are based on either 51 weeks of the year spread equally over 12 calendar months or daily each calendar month. We review our fees each March.

Sibling discount: Siblings both attending more than three full days per week are given a 5% discount on the fees for the eldest child. Any families with 3 or more children are advised to please speak to our Nursery Manager to discuss options.

Included as a charge in our fees: Breakfast, lunch, high tea, snacks, nappies, baby wipes, nappy cream and sun cream. Parents are asked to provide:  formula milk, wellington boots and spare clothing.

Payment of fees: Fees are payable monthly in advance. We ask that payment is made via standing order/Bacs, childcare vouchers or a combination of both or via your tax free childcare account.

Additional Financial support: As part of Working Tax Credit you may qualify for additional financial support. For further information, please contact the Tax Credit Helpline on 0345 300 3900 or visit https://www.gov.uk/benefits-credits/tax-credits.

Nursery closure and bank holidays: Our nurseries are open for 51 weeks of the year. We are closed for working days over the Christmas and New Year period and for all bank holidays. Bank Holidays (except Christmas and New Year) are chargeable to our full day rate. 

No refund is given for days unattended i.e. due to sickness, family holidays or for Bank Holidays. Giving notice: 4 weeks’ notice in writing or the payment of 4 weeks’ fees in lieu of notice is required to reduce a child’s days before the withdrawal of a child from the nursery.

Joining our waiting list: A refundable ( on leaving) deposit fee of £50.00 is payable to join our waiting list. Our waiting list can be joined by completing the interest form at the nursery.

Securing a place in one of our nurseries: We require two full days minimum. Once a place has been offered, and a deposit of £50.00 received, one full month or applicable part month fees paid in advance are required to secure the place. Please see our full T&C’s for further information.